Does science disprove God?

Some people struggle with the idea of faith in God because science seems to prove that the bible is wrong on some important issues like evolution verses creation. or the age of the sun or Earth.

There are some helpful discussions on theses issues.

This video is one example of a conversation on this subject .

What do you think about the points raised in this video? Is it possible that there is something to this God thing after all?

The bible is 66 books written at various time in history and it is basically divided into two main sections. "The Old testament" and "The New Testament"

The reason for this division is based a round the arrival in history of a man called Jesus.

So, who is this Jesus and Why is this man so significant?

You may have heard the name Jesus. It may for you just be an expletive! or maybe you have heard people talk about him or maybe you know that it the thing that Christians go on about, You may have cottoned on to the idea that "Christmas" is a festival commemorating his birth. Did you know for instance that our years are numbered starting from the arrival of this person Jesus? this year is 2023 years since his birth.

So, who is this Jesus and Why is this man so significant?

Do you have an opinion about him?

If I asked you "Who do you think Jesus was?" what would you say?